Return My Innocence

There were all kinds of suspicions in everyone's mind, all speculating about the grudge and entanglement between Yang Mo and Xia Xibei.

They didn't know what kind of conflict there was between the two of them, that they were still making such a fuss at such a time.

While the scene was at a standstill, Elder Wang, the patriarch, also came over.

The old man was older and moved slower, so when he came over, things had taken place and the people who should know about it had seen it.

Fortunately, the people who came over this time were those who were closer to the Wang family, and as long as their mouths were sealed, there would be no big problem.

However, Xia Xibei should not have seen it!

Others knew that such things did not matter much, and just shut up.

Xia Xibei was there and saw these things, so how could they continue after that?

When the old man rushed over, he was anxious.