To Take Revenge

Yang Mo's attitude towards Xia Xibei was very complicated.

In fact, in the beginning, she was still very grateful to Xia Xibei. After all, it was Xia Xibei who gave her a brand new life.

However, after that, her attitude began to change.

It was clear that Xia Xibei had so much money and so much power, so why didn't she teach her all of it?

Also, why was there another female disciple? Why was that female disciple more powerful than her? Did Xia Xibei give her a little help?

Xia Xibei and her were about the same age, just a dozen years apart.

At that time, the difference of a dozen years was too small, everyone was really the same generation.

Obviously, they were the same age, but Xia Xibei's strength and talent were light years above hers.

When that man appeared, his attitude towards Xia Xibei and her was very different.

Xia Xibei did not care about that person, but that person did not care at all and intensely pursued her.