I Have Many Male Friends

This was a good scene for the two of them. Although the scene was simple, it showed their acting skills.

In particular, the two of them were full of tension in their acting, so much so that people could not take their eyes off them.

Director Smith was very satisfied with this scene.

While he was watching the replay, Xia Xibei returned to her chair and began to touch up her makeup and rest.

She watched Dolores walk past her and also return to her chair to start touching up her makeup with a calm expression.

Through this contact, Xia Xibei was completely sure that Dolores really didn't like her.

Although the scene seemed to be very conflicting, Dolores was secretly making an effort during the performance.

She might have been overwhelmed by her strength if it were anyone else.

By then, the performance would have seemed inferior.

Had Xia Xibei's acting skills not been good enough, she might have had to do it again by now.