Under a Spell

Dolores thought Xia Xibei's enthusiasm today was a bit strange, but thinking about what her lover had said to her, she endured it.

Whatever he asked her to do, she would do it. 

Accepting the wine handed over by Xia Xibei, she smiled and said, "We'll just drink a little. We have work later."

The point was, her lover wouldn't let her drink, saying it was bad for her health.

He was so nice to her, so of course she had to listen to him.

"Sure," Xia Xibei nodded, "A little is enough. We are not strong drinkers."

She raised her glass, "Come on, let's celebrate a wonderful day!"

Dolores smiled and followed suit, "To a wonderful day!"

After clinking glasses, the two of them took a sip of wine in unison.

Xia Xibei smiled and put the glass down, starting to talk about other things.

Dolores smiled and listened to her, occasionally echoing her words.