Eat It Again

Dolores looked at the cup in the distance and still felt her heart palpitating.

That was a bug!

Disgusting bugs!

What if the bug was still moving?

Xia Xibei understood her concern and took out a bottle, pouring out a pill. 

"Take this and you'll be fine."

Dolores carefully took the pill, very curious. 

"What is this?"

"Medicine that will keep you from being infested with bugs in the future," Xia Xibei explained with a smile.

"Wow! So powerful!" Dolores looked at the inconspicuous pill with surprise.

"Right," Xia Xibei nodded, "Don't worry, I won't harm you."

Dolores hesitated for a moment, but finally took the pill.

By now, she chose to trust Xia Xibei.

After she had taken the pill, Xia Xibei brought the cup over again.

"What are you doing?!"

Dolores almost popped up in shock, her eyes looking at the cup in horror, her body leaning back, wanting to be miles away from this cup.