Embarrassed to See Me

Xia Xibei returned to the company, and after talking to management about her upcoming schedule, she was ready to go back.

However, when she heard that there was a car accident on the way back, and there was a lot of traffic, she chose to stay and rest temporarily.

While on her break, other people happened to have gone out, and she was the only one left in the meeting room.

She did not think too much, picked up the phone, and began to check the news.

After a while, there was some movement at the door.

When she looked up, she saw a face that surprised her.

Wasn't this... Dong Shulan's stepdaughter?

Xia Xibei did not have a deep impression of Meng Sushan. However, relying on her strong memory, she still recognized Meng Sushan and knew that she was Dong Shulan's stepdaughter.

If Xia Xibei was Dong Shulan's biological daughter, the two of them would be considered sisters.

Unfortunately, Dong Shulan was not related to her.