Fixing Things

As a knowledgeable person in this, Meng Sushan was very concerned.

After understanding all the details, Meng Sushan looked at Xia Xibei in horror.

Xia Xibei was brutal! She even asked someone to threaten the Mu parents!

It was simply too horrible!

Of course, what was even scarier was that she told her these things!

Why was she not afraid that she would tell?!

"Don't worry. As long as you work well and don't mess around, I won't do anything to you," Xia Xibei smiled and patted her shoulder.

Meng Sushan felt a little heat on the shoulder patted by Xia Xibei and almost got weak in the legs.

It always felt like Xia Xibei was going to deal with her next!

However, she tried to pull herself together.

As long as she kept her peace, Xia Xibei would not do anything wrong.

Yes! For sure!

Meng Sushan's heart chilled and she could only grit her teeth to make herself listen.