Recognizing Reality

After the old man blurted out, he looked at the two people whose faces had changed greatly, and he was also a little embarrassed.

"Well..." He coughed twice before continuing. "Qiqi... Ah well... It's just that your dancing..."

"Is really bad!" Xia Xibei followed and added. "But she thinks she dances the best! Grandpa Jiang thinks so too!"

The corners of the old man's mouth twitched as he looked disapprovingly at Lu Tianqi, then back to Qi Yongjiang. 

"Yongjiang... The child is grown-up, she can't be coddled like before. You have to let her know the reality! It's only right!"

The two individuals' faces were even more unpleasant, and Lu Tianqi was pale and a little shaky.

Even the old man said so, which meant that everything in the past was a lie!

Lu Tianqi had been held up by her parents and the people around her since she was a child, and in their words, she was very talented.