This is the Truth

In fact, it was stated during the recording of the show that you couldn't bring a cell phone or anything that could record, but there were still people who went in with their cell phones hidden.

However, as long as you didn't share the footage, no one really cared that much.

Besides, this was all going to be aired anyway. They were not afraid of people recording.

However, the premise was that nothing like what Lu Tianqi did would happen.

When Lu Tianqi's side hyped up how great she was and how well she performed, and such a video suddenly appeared, it was like adding water to the frying pan, and everything exploded.

This was a video shot on a cellphone. The resolution was not as good as a camera's, and it showed Lu Tianqi's performance.

In the video, Lu Tianqi was wearing a period costume and dancing to music.

This was without editing.

This was the most realistic situation.

So, this was Lu Tianqi's real performance!