Sharp Contrast

This incident developed around for almost a week before it slowly came to an end.

However, after the new episode of the show aired, Lu Tianqi received new criticism.

Fortunately, her agent had anticipated this and had negotiated with the program team beforehand that there would not be too many images of her in this episode.

This way, things wouldn't get too out of hand.

The show naturally did them the favor.

It was difficult to add scenes, but it was easy to cut them.

So, although there were still many fans who scolded Lu Tianqi on her social media account, compared to the previous siege, it was now much better.

Due to this incident, Lu Tianqi's mood had also been affected.

When she saw Xia Xibei at school, her mood got even worse.

Imperial Capital University's military training was very strict, and it took several weeks to train the students to hell and back.

There was no special reason to be absent.