Too Proud

The two girls who spoke were not in the same class as Xia Xibei.

The two also didn't notice that Xia Xibei was not far away, so they kept chatting about this freshmen party.

"If Xia Xibei had gone up there, we wouldn't have gotten any attention," one girl exclaimed.

Xia Xibei was a big star with many fans. If she were to go on stage, she would draw all the attention to herself.

Then, it would be impossible for others to make a splash at the freshmen party.

"You don't have to worry about that," the other girl reassured her. "She is a big star, why would she come to a party like this? All she attends are the big parties on TV!"

"That's not true. After all, she is also a student of our school..."

"That's true, but she's not the same as us!" the first girl hummed. "She is a big star, and not the same as us ordinary students. Besides, where does she have time to attend the party? There is no money to earn!"