Second Meeting

Looking at the crowd in the office, Xia Xibei frowned with a puzzled face. 

"I think I heard something about a recording?"

Gu Fangyue's heart pounded and her face turned pale, "Didn't you… You leave?"

Everyone saw her leave, so how come she came back?

How much did she hear?

Xia Xibei looked innocent, "I realized that I still have something more to say, so I came back. But... I seem to have heard something strange, and also related to me?"

When these words came out, the others looked at each other.

What should they say?

Gu Fangyue squeezed out a smile, "No, it's nothing. You must have misheard!"

"Is that so?" Xia Xibei, however, did not let go gently like before. "Why do I feel like you guys are telling jokes about me?"

"Nope! No!"

"No! Definitely no!"

Everyone shook their heads in unison.

How could they admit it?