A Cup of Vinegar

Han Rui, of course, knew the benefits, and he was overjoyed.

This was something incredibly practical for him!

"These pills... They can really change my physical condition?" He looked to Xia Xibei.

Xia Xibei nodded. "Of course, they can."

"Great!" Han Rui nodded, then picked up a pill and was about to stuff it into his mouth.

"Wait a minute!" Qiao Yanjue hurriedly stopped him. "What are you doing?"

"I was going to take it..." Han Rui said with an innocent face.

"Yes, but not like this!" Qiao Yanjue knocked him on the head. "It's a waste to be taken like this!"

Han Rui was bewildered when he took the pill and removed a bottle of... Vinegar from under the table!

The label on it read "white vinegar" in big letters, and Han Rui's mouth twitched.

This... Was simply a bottle of white vinegar. The contents should not be white vinegar, right?  

Maybe Qiao Yanjue just didn't find the container...?