What Is the Strength

The two finally separated under her strong oppression.

Qiao Yanjue gave Han Rui a haughty look and another hum.

He was not going to take care of this fool!

Looking at the medicine bottle on the table, Han Rui couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

This was good stuff!

Moreover, he could feel that his body was changing, as if he was regaining his strength.

As soon as this thought came to him, he immediately felt himself carefully, then stared with wide eyes.

It really was!

He could feel his body's strength recovering little by little!

Some of the pain left from old injuries were now gone.

He couldn't help but poke his elbow.

He had injured his elbow during a previous mission.

Although he was treated afterward, it still left a little aftereffect.

Now, when the weather was not good, he could feel that his elbow was a little weak and sore.

Now, it was starting to rain outside.