Don't Be Naive

Han Jiang was Cui Tong's boyfriend, and Xia Xibei had met him before and heard Cui Tong mention him many times.

Previously, Xia Xibei was worried that Han Jiang, like the rest of the Han family, would use those drugs and treat Cui Tong as a target for exploitation.

Therefore, she provided Cui Tong with the antidote drugs.

If Han Jiang had any deviant ideas, he would be sorry.

However, Cui Tong said later on that Han Jiang did not do anything unusual, and the two of them had a pretty sweet relationship.

Although Cui Tong couldn't show off her love on the internet, she often called and talked to Xia Xibei about these things. After all, Xia Xibei was her best friend.

Xia Xibei thought that Han Jiang may not be very reliable. After all, he was from the Han family and the same muddy pond, it would be too difficult for him to stay clean.

However, as long as Han Jiang did not cause harm to Cui Tong's health, Xia Xibei did not care that much.