Dealing with the Hans (3)

After speaking with Han Rui for a while, he hung up the phone and called another teammate. 

"I couldn't tell if there was a problem," he shook his head. 

That didn't mean much. After all, they were all accustomed to hiding their thoughts. Without being face to face, they couldn't discern the truth from each other's micro expressions. 

Sometimes, voice alone wasn't enough to clarify a situation. 

"Then let's just wait," Qiao Yanjue comforted him, "Besides, we have a wiretapping device over there, don't we?" 

When Xia Xibei went to work as a cleaner before, she had planted a wiretapping device. 

The device was very effective, so they didn't have to worry about not being able to hear anything. 

If his teammate really was a traitor, they would definitely receive the information over the device. 

Then they would be able to confirm the truth. 

"Hmm," Han Rui nodded, praying that his teammate wouldn't betray him.