Take it Back (5)

Since the blackmailer wasn't lying and was truly posing a threat on him, he had to make a choice. 

He gritted his teeth and sent another message. 

"I don't have five million, only one million." 

Even that felt too much! 

However, if he sold the watch that Cui Tong had given him, he could get that money back, and he wouldn't feel as bad. 

Soon, he received another message from the blackmailer: "No, five million it is! You have one day's time to transfer the money to this account. Otherwise, you two are through!" 

When he saw the account number below, Han Jiang felt a surge of excitement. 

As soon as he saw the number clearly, however, his excitement died down immediately. 

It turned out to be an overseas account! 

So scammers nowadays were operating on overseas accounts? That was outrageous!

How was he supposed to investigate this?! 

However, this also meant that the blackmailer had come prepared.