Something Happened (2)

The engagement party was grand, with thoughtfully arranged flowers, plants, and trees surrounding the venue. 

Countless balloons and sheer fabrics hung in the air, swaying gently with the breeze, creating an ethereal atmosphere. 

Qi Xin wore a beautiful dress that accentuated her exquisite figure, while Gu Guanlin stood beside her, tall and handsome, exuding a captivating charm. 

Together, they appeared like a pair of celestial beings, capturing everyone's attention. 

The guests applauded enthusiastically for them.

Although it was only an engagement banquet and not a wedding, it concluded quickly. 

However, the guests didn't leave right away. 

Many took advantage of the opportunity to network and conduct business. 

In such a gathering of influential people, there were abundant resources available. 

Moreover, since these were not ordinary individuals, it was only natural for them to establish and strengthen connections.