My Choice (4)

Xue Zhelang's heart went up and then down as he listened to the lawyer's words, and finally, it seemed to stop moving.

The right of inheritance had actually fallen to Xue Pingze?!

He was still planning to get the inheritance, but what he wanted fell into Xue Pingze's hands?!

"By what right?!" Xue Zhelang's face was grim and he couldn't help but stand up and ask loudly.

"On what grounds will everything be given to him?! I am not convinced!"

All the anger and disobedience surged in Xue Zhelang's heart, making his eyes red. He felt ready to explode.

Although he had gotten a little something, compared to what Xue Pingze had, it was a drop in the bucket!

Looking at him so angry, the patriarch gave him a deep look, his eyes complicated and bizarre. 

"Zhelang," the patriarch said indifferently. "What do you disagree with my decision?"