Looking for Something

"Zhelang!" The second wife was immediately anxious. "Zhelang!"

The scene was suddenly chaotic.

Xia Xibei smiled lightly as she looked at Xue Zhelang, who had passed out.

"Dr. Qi..."

The patriarch looked at his youngest son, who had passed out, and was also concerned.

He looked at Xia Xibei.

Xia Xibei laughed, "It's okay, he's just overcome by emotions, just take it easy."

Overcome by emotions?

Everyone was silent.

What exactly did Xia Xibei say?

Oh yes, she did not need to say anything. What happened today was enough to provoke Xue Zhelang to pass out.

He had been treating the family leadership as something he had in his pocket, but now that this happened, it would be strange if he didn't faint.

The patriarch looked at the fainting Xue Zhelang and had someone go and call a doctor.

Although Xia Xibei, the miracle doctor, was here, no one dared to instruct her.