The Island and the Spiritual Snake (2)

Soon, the plane arrived at the Xue family's island.

Accompanying Xia Xibei was Xue Pingze.

Although the patriarch was well, he was too old and weak to accompany her, so he could only let Xue Pingze take his place.

Xue Pingze's attitude toward Xia Xibei was incomparably respectful.

This deference, of course, was based on Xia Xibei's ability.

Who wouldn't respect such a miracle doctor?

His success today was thanks to Xia Xibei. He was a grateful person, so he should treat her well.

"Do you need me to look with you?" Xue Pingze asked respectfully when he got off the plane.

"No need," Xia Xibei shook her head. "I'll just go look for it myself."

"Okay then, I'll have someone accompany you."

"It's okay, I can go there by myself," Xia Xibei shook her head.

"Then… Okay." Xue Pingze had no choice but to nod. "However, that area.... may be a little dangerous, you should be careful."