Stay Tuned (1)

Looking at the commotion and the curses about her online, Xia Xibei gave a cold laugh.

Then, she took out her cell phone and dialed a number.

Soon, she hung up the phone, her eyes faintly twinkling.

After that, she made a few more calls.

After setting things in order, she finally called a number she had never called before.

"Qi Xin."

"Qi Xibei?"

Qi Xin, who received the call, jerked to her feet with a horrified look on her face. 

"You finally showed up?"

"Yes." Xia Xibei's tone was relaxed. "If I didn't show up, won't it be a waste of your efforts?"

"How could it be a waste?" Qi Xin sneered. "Isn't it great now?"

They were acting very well in this big show!

"It is great," Xia Xibei nodded. "So now it's my turn to take the lead role."

"Oh? Finally, you're up for it?" Qi Xin also laughed. "I thought the main character was absent and didn't want to come on!"