Live Stream Face Slap (4)

Qi Xibei's expression was calm as she faced the girls' questions. 

"The soup you drink every night has a lot of toxins added to it, that's why your face has become like this. If you drink it for a few more days, your condition will get worse. Eventually, your health will also have problems."

Qi Xibei's words made the girl angry. 

"What are you talking about?!" She slapped the table and got up. "Everyone in my family drank the soup, why should I be the only one to become like this?"

During the last meal, the whole family drank the soup.

If there was a problem, wouldn't the whole family have a problem?

"Of course. What you drank was not the same as what they had." Qi Xibei looked at her indifferently, her expression subdued. "I guess you didn't serve the soup yourself."

These words made the girl freeze.

This… Was true!

Every time she drank soup, she didn't get it herself. It was always someone else who helped.