Live Stream Face Slap (8)

"What did you put on your face?" Qi Xibei let go of the girl's hand and just looked at her.

The girl paled and shook her head hurriedly, "What are you talking about?! What can I put on? I'm using Hongyan Youth, right? I used Hongyan Youth and now I look like this! Are you denying it now?"

She was aggressive and on the attack.

Her intensity didn't make Qi Xibei waver. 

"Did you really use Hongyan Youth?"

"What do you mean?! Are you saying I can't afford it?!"

The girl got even more agitated.

Her sheepish look made Qi Xibei smile even wider.

"I didn't say you can't afford it. Even if you can't afford it, some friends can give it to you."

The words made the girl react again, "What are you talking about!"

What did she mean some friends could give it to her?

This intense reaction made the audience feel weird too.

[There must be something wrong, I'm sure of it!]

[There is definitely something wrong!]