Live Stream Face Slap (12)

The black-clad girl was terrified by the outcome. 

She never expected Qi Xibei to take such action! 

Prior to this, she had only thought that as long as the issues on her face weren't resolved, she could deny everything. 

After all, as long as the problems weren't genuinely solved, she had plenty of room to explain herself. There was a great deal of maneuverability in this situation. 

Facts speak louder than words, don't they? 

Without evidence, who would believe her? 

That was why she had come here. 

Who could have imagined that as soon as Qi Xibei made a move, she would mercilessly strip away the mask she had tightly hidden her face behind?! 

The girl's face turned pale, and her legs grew weak, almost causing her to collapse to the ground. 

Who wouldn't understand the situation? 

Surprisingly, Qi Xibei didn't say anything. 

On the contrary, she beckoned another girl to come forward.