Take a Different Path

Although Yang Mo was angry and wished to kill Qi Xibei, she knew that it wouldn't be so easy at this moment. 

Not to mention other factors, just the fact that Qi Xibei had presented such a remarkable medicine meant that her status and position had changed. 

There would surely be many people guarding her now. 

Under such circumstances, Yang Mo had no way to make a move against Qi Xibei. 

So, she could only suppress her anger and focus on other matters.

After learning about Xue Zhelang's situation, she had a new idea. 

If it weren't for Qi Xibei saving Xue Zhelang's father, they wouldn't have been able to evade the attacks from their group. 

Who would have expected that Qi Xibei would choose to run to the City of Ao and collaborate with others? 

By saving the Xue family patriarch, she would undoubtedly gain his support. 

If she continued in this manner, she would be able to join forces with others to deal with them!