
Zhang Xun had no objections and allowed Yang Mo to proceed with her examination. 

Yang Mo came well-prepared this time. 

In addition to taking Zhang Xun's pulse, she had also brought various medical equipment to detect any issues in his body. 

After conducting a thorough examination, Yang Mo's expression became somewhat solemn.

"How is the situation?" Wang Tianze immediately inquired. "Are you confident?"

Yang Mo nodded reservedly, "I have a fifty percent chance."

These words caused everyone present to widen their eyes in astonishment. 

Fifty percent?

"Miss Yang, are you truly capable of resolving my problem?" 

Even Zhang Xun, who had always maintained a calm demeanor, grew anxious. 

It should be noted that he had heard countless helpless answers before. 

Yang Mo's unequivocal response, though only a fifty percent chance, was enough to uplift his spirits.