Treacherous Scoundrel (2)

Qi Xibei's bright smile contrasted with Yang Mo's calm expression, revealing no signs of a problem. 

Little did everyone know, she had intentionally come here.

She had known that Yang Mo was here a long time ago.

Thus, she came here to create a scene.

Others assumed that the two had coincidentally met here and didn't think much of it.

However, Yang Mo could clearly see the meaning in Qi Xibei's eyes.

After all, she had spent some time with Qi Xibei and understood her to some extent.

Moreover, Qi Xibei made no effort to conceal her intentions.

She simply looked at Yang Mo with a smile, laced with a thick layer of irony.

This made Yang Mo explode with anger.

"Who let you come here?!" Yang Mo's face contorted, devoid of the previous calm and composure.

This reaction left the members of the Zhang family exchanging bewildered glances.

When they had previously encountered Yang Mo, she had been gracious and polite.