Robbers (2)

When the gun was pointed at her, Qi Xibei's heart skipped a beat. The alarm rang, and her body subconsciously rolled to the side.

With a bang, a bullet hole was left where she was before.

Seeing this, Qi Xibei's pupils constricted.

This was directed at her!

She immediately understood.

"Kill her!"

Seeing that those people were about to attack her again, Qi Xibei shouted in Mandarin, "Attack!"

In the next moment, Qiao Yanjue shot out from the side and rushed in front of one of them like a bolt of lightning.

At the same time, Qi Xibei also took action.

Her movements were very fast, as if in the blink of an eye, she rushed in front of the other party and reached out to knock the other party's gun away.

Their movements were too sudden. In just a breath's time, they had already moved, not giving the others a chance to react at all.