Turning the Tide

Following Ling Juan's order, a dozen men in black behind her moved in unison and raised their guns.

The falcon was also prepared. Its eyes widened as it assumed a battle stance.

Qi Xibei and the others had already hidden behind a pillar and assumed a defensive stance.

Greenie raised its head and stuck out its snake tongue. It was about to rush over in the next second.

The old man looked flustered and helpless.

Was he going to die here tonight?

They only had three people and a snake, but the other party had more than ten people. He was useless and could not help much. On the contrary, he would be a burden to Qi Xibei and the others.

Thinking of this, he wanted to shake off Qi Xibei's hand and rush out to use himself as a shield to attract the firepower of those people.

However, he was stopped by Qi Xibei.

Ling Juan's eyes were fierce. "Kill them!"

She had to kill them!