Experimentals (3)

The shrill scream from behind made Ling Juan's face sink again.

Which bastard!

Was killing the chicken to warn the monkeys useless?

She was determined to kill the person who screamed! She wanted everyone to know that she was not someone to be bullied!

However, just as she turned around and before she could see the situation behind her clearly, she heard more tragic cries.


"They're out!"

"Ah! Monster!"

"The Experimentals have escaped!"

The people behind could see clearly that a few people had suddenly run out of the room.

These were the Experimentals trapped in the room!

The bodies of the Experimentals were strangely shaped and looked terrifying.

If they were soaked in the liquid, they would find it repulsive. They knew that these Experimentals were not ordinary. However, they were still locked in there and knew that they could not cause harm to humans, so the researchers were not afraid.