Chapter 2072-Mastermind

"I don't know." Qi Xibei shook his head." But depending on the situation…" It should be related to those people."

"Who is it?" " You…" Lingyad's face darkened." Tell us, and we'll settle it!"

"No need." Qi Xibei shook his head." We'll solve it ourselves."


"It's alright." Qi Xibei smiled." However, our treatment will have to wait for a while. We can only start tomorrow." Also, you'd better follow me to the ling herb garden. The spirit herbs he brought back today were also destroyed in the car."

These words made Ling Yade and Ling Yajian's eyes widen." Destroyed?!"

Their hope of getting better was destroyed?!

"Don't worry, there's a backup in the ling herb garden."Qi Xibei comforted them.

These words did not make them relax. They were still angry.

With Qi Xibei and Qiao Yanyu's strength, they were still able to destroy the spirit plant. This meant that the situation was very critical.