Apprentice Disciple


Liu Yiya's words stunned them. Why did she suddenly become their master? Also, who did he acknowledge as his master?

The few of them looked at Liu Jiang in confusion, but they received a helpless look from Liu Jiang.

The few of them quickly realized that Liu Yiya was referring to Qi Xibei!

Then, they were shocked.

In such a short period of time, he actually became a disciple?!

Was it so casual?

One had to know that regardless of whether it was a high-grade alchemist or a low-rank middle-rank alchemist, they were all full of arrogance.

To take in a disciple or something like that, one needed to go through a period of observation and consideration.

Moreover, the newcomer had to be talented and had to be an alchemist apprentice for a period of time before being accepted as a disciple.

Didn't Qi Xibei just go to the spirit herb garden? It had only been less than an hour, and he was already taking in a disciple?!