Obey the Rules (1)

Yueya and Yueyuan were very excited. They could cultivate now!

The next day, before dawn, they got up and ran to Qi Xibei's door.

The maidservant wanted to inform Qi Xibei, but the two of them rejected her.

They would wait here and not disturb their master!

The sisters had been discussing whether they should prepare a ceremony for Qi Xibei to become his disciple.

After all, they had heard that it was very difficult to become a disciple.

Cultivation was not a simple matter to begin with. Many of them were nurtured by their families.

Only when the clan had martial artists would they be able to bring out more martial artists.

If it was an ordinary family, it would be too difficult to find a good master. Even if he found such a master, others might not necessarily accept him.

The sisters had heard a lot of these things when they were setting up stalls outside, and they were very envious.