Chapter 2168-Coming With Unfriendly Intentions

Soon, a man in sky-blue clothes walked out.

After seeing his appearance clearly, the people below could not help but gasp.

The woman's eyes widened. She seemed to have thought of something and lowered her head. Her face was red.

What a handsome Third Prince!

The Third Prince was 1.8 meters tall. He was tall and handsome. Coupled with his noble and elegant temperament, he was just like an elegant young master.

In addition to his special identity, everyone below almost fainted, especially some young women.

The sudden appearance of such a noble prince shocked everyone, and at the same time, they couldn't help but be tempted!

Especially those young ladies who were not married or engaged, their faces were even redder.

If only they could catch the Third Prince's eye!

That would be a matter of reaching the heavens in a single step!

Huang Feiheng was very satisfied with the enthusiastic response.

Everyone was still very enthusiastic, which was very good.