Disguise (2)

After knocking the Third Prince out, Qi Xibei fed him another pill. After making sure that he would not wake up anytime soon, he sat on the edge of the bed.

Her fingers moved back and forth on the Third Prince's face for a while. Then, she took out something from her storage ring and carved it for a while.

After a long time, she finally stopped.

There was something in her hand.

This was a face that was the same as the Third Prince.

Qi Xibei already had a plan.

The current trouble was brought by the Xiao family and the Third Prince.

If he wanted to solve it, it might be very complicated. After all, the Xiao family was not to be trifled with.

However, if he didn't solve it, wouldn't he have a headache?

Therefore, she quickly came up with a new solution.

She wanted to disguise herself as the Third Prince!

As long as he disguised himself as the Third Prince, these matters could be resolved in another way.