Chapter 2208-Red Clothed Girl

When Qi Xibei left Sunnywood City this time, he even found a few masters to accompany him.

These experts were all at level four or five, which was already very powerful here.

Moreover, they had something to do in Xuan City, so they went with Qi Xibei.

Qi Xibei had no problem walking alone, and no one dared to provoke her.

However, she still had three disciples!

Even though these three disciples had the weapons she gave them for self-defense, they were still weak.

Liu Yiya was now a level-three mystic cultivator, so her strength was still passable.

The Yueya and Yueyuan sisters combined were comparable to a Level Two Mystical Warrior.

He could still protect himself with such strength.

However, no one could guarantee that there would be no danger along the way.

Therefore, with a few experts moving forward together, it also gave them a sense of security.