Helping the Wen Family (2)

Half an hour later.

"Bring a clean basin over." Qi Xibei said.

"A basin? Good!"

Wen Juncheng immediately nodded. He gave a look to the person serving him at the side, and that person rushed out.

Soon, a basin was brought over.

Qi Xibei placed the basin next to Wen Guqun and took back the silver needles.

Then, she used a silver needle to cut Wen Guqun's wrist and made a cut.

As soon as the wound appeared, blood immediately came out of Wen Guqun's hand.

After the thick black and sticky blood came out, everyone could not help but take a step back.

Even Wen Luochun, who had just come out, couldn't help but take a step back.

He had killed countless enemies on the battlefield and had seen all kinds of smells and scenes.

However, when the blood came out, the smell was really too terrifying!

If Wen Luochun was in the modern era, he would definitely think that this was the most terrifying biochemical weapon!

Even Wen Guqun's expression froze.