She Saved You


Chang Xinhui screamed, looking at Qi Xibei with fear and anger.

A knife appeared in Qi Xibei's hand and he stabbed it into Hu Yanlin's leg!

Was she trying to kill Hu Yanlin?!

Chang Xinhui was so anxious that she wanted to rush forward.

" What are you doing?!"

"Captain, stop her."

" Don't disturb my treatment," Qi Xibei said lightly."


Everyone was stunned.

Was this treatment? Wasn't it killing?

Qi Xibei did not even raise his head as he continued to cut Hu Yanlin's leg with the knife.

Soon, Hu Yanlin's leg was covered in black blood.

"You want to kill someone!" Chang Xinhui panicked. If it wasn't for the captain stopping her, she would have already rushed forward.


"Shut up." Qi Xibei turned to look at her coldly." If you don't want her to live, you can continue to cause trouble."

Qi Xibei's gaze made Chang Xinhui's heart skip a beat, and she subconsciously shut her mouth.