Setting off fireworks

Qi Xibei smiled at them, then turned around and ran.

This time, she ran at full speed.

Previously, she was so slow because she wanted to accommodate the speed of other girls.

But now, she didn't care about the existence of these people at all, so she spread her legs and ran like crazy.

The pursuers chased after him frantically.

However, what made them speechless was that they were wearing relatively heavy armor.

Because they had to protect themselves, their armor was heavier, so their defense was stronger.

This weight was not much trouble for them usually.

However, when it was necessary to speed up at full speed, this weight would be very troublesome.

This weight suppressed their running speed.

Qi Xibei went into battle lightly, and his body was as light as a swallow. He quickly pulled away from the crowd behind him.

With the guidance of her spiritual power, she avoided the people in front of her in time.