Chapter 2279-Unfathomable Crown Prince

The Crown Prince quickly gave the order.

This place was no longer safe. After those people escaped, they would definitely bring her back here.

Even if everyone was captured, this place had already been exposed. Someone would definitely come to check it out later.

At the very least, the Second Prince would not miss this opportunity.

Although the Second Prince had left, he would not give up so easily.

The steward covered his chest and nodded.

After that, the manager led his men out in an orderly manner.

Qi Xibei had thought that he could more or less stop the Crown Prince this time. However, he did not expect that he was even more unfathomable than he had imagined.

He could still think of other ways.

That's right. If not for this, he would not have been able to become the Crown Prince and stand tall under the gazes of his younger brothers.

Qi Xibei did not leave, nor did he care about the others. He moved out with the others.