Chapter 2281-Formation

After being left behind, Qi Xibei started working with the leader like the others.

What made her satisfied was that these people were not familiar with the person she was pretending to be, and no one came to get close to her.

That was why she could stay here so easily without being discovered.

"You guys tidy up these things. Don't make a mistake!"

The leader pointed at the shelves in the room and began to give instructions.

"Yes, sir!"

The few of them responded loudly and then began to move the things here.

This time, about ten people stayed behind. Everyone struggled for a long time before they finally arranged these things.

After arranging these things, Qi Xibei looked around and was a little speechless.

The furnishings here really looked like the laboratories she had seen before!

She wondered if it was for Jiang Feiyang.

She wondered if Jiang Feiyang and Jiang Rongguang were a family. Even if they were not, it was fate.