Chapter 2327-Another One Looking for Her Father

A bucket of water poured down. The people upstairs were immediately shocked. They rushed down to apologize and took the sisters in to change their clothes.

After all, there was still a distance to go back from here. How ugly would it be to walk back wet?

The sisters were furious, but since the other party was so polite, they could only endure their anger and go in to change.

The two of them were served to change their clothes. No matter what they said, they could not get the maidservant to leave. They could only endure and ask the other party for help.

Behind them, a few maidservants who had come to help were shocked when they saw the dragon patterns on their bodies. They almost tore their clothes.

After changing their clothes, the sisters went back.

The maidservants went to Xu Qing Quan to report the situation. After learning that the two of them really had dragon patterns on their bodies, Xu Qing Quan immediately became excited.