Optical Brain, Gu Lu

"Don't, don't, don't. Old Zhang, she just woke up and isn't feeling well, I'll prepare this meal instead, it's not a big deal."

Fu Cuihua was afraid that Zhang Changming would hit Jun Ci again, and quickly held him back.

When Zhang Changming heard that, he saw Jun Ci sitting on the bed.

As the light was dim in Jun Ci's room, he couldn't see the pair of eyes that were filled with murderous intent.

He only felt a little cold for no reason while Jun Ci sat on the bed in a daze.

Zhang Changming was also afraid that something would happen to this person, so he agreed, "I'll let this brat off for today!"

As he spoke, he walked out.

Fu Cuihua pursed her lips like she was a little guilty, "Jun Ci, rest more, I'll go prepare the food."

Her eyes were glistening as she left Jun Ci's room.

Before she left, she helped Jun Ci close the room door.

When Jun Ci saw that she was gone, she rubbed her forehead.

If not for the current condition of this body, she would have immediately dealt with that Zhang guy.

Uncle Zhang Changming bullied the weak but feared the strong. He was a male chauvinist and was the typical village man. 

Aunt Fu Cuihua was timid and overcautious. She feared Zhang Changming, but she wasn't really a mean person.

Older sister Zhang Nian was older than Jun Ci by two months and she was the precious baby of the Zhang family.

Her grades were comparable to Jun Ci's.

But Jun Ci was studying at an ordinary high school that was free while Zhang Nian had been enrolled into the top school through Zhang Changming's money.

Zhang Nian was his own child, after all, so there was no ground for blame.

But the way Zhang Changming treated Jun Ci was really horrendous.

Jun Ci's hand slid from her face to the hair on her forehead.

It was smooth and nice to the touch, and didn't seem like a face covered with dark spots.

Without the dark spots, this skin was simply perfect.

In her memory, Jun Ci was unable to apply skincare products. She had to rely on what she had naturally and live with it.

Giving some love to herself.

Unfortunately, this virtue was completely buried already.

The current Jun Ci had a headache.

She had gone from being a crown prince to a commoner all of a sudden, and was even in an ancient time.

Everything here was behind the times and puzzling for Jun Ci.

Especially someone like Zhang Changming.

In the interstellar era, he would be a cancer that needed to be removed.

After enjoying a life of luxury and now ending up in such a poor and bitter condition, the Crown Prince Jun Ci indicated that she felt very despondent about her future.

"Your Highness, Your Highness!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice resounded. Jun Ci was stunned at first, then she rejoiced.

"Gu Lu?"

Gu Lu was her optical brain.

Everyone in the empire had their own exclusive optical brain since birth.

It was equivalent to an identification card in this country, but an optical brain could handle many more incredible things.

Gu Lu was the king among optical brains.

After all, it was for the crown prince, so how could it not be useful?

However, the space inside a black hole is able to crush everything. Jun Ci hadn't expected for Gu Lu to actually follow her and be reborn!

"Your Highness, Your Highness, I'm here, look at your palm…"

Its tiny voice was like a child, but Jun Ci knew that this was a sign that Gu Lu was in a weak state.

She opened her palm and saw that in that rough but clean hand, there was a small transparent U-shaped symbol.

That was proof of her optical brain, but right now, this transparent symbol was really close to being completely clear, as if it could disappear any time.