Writing the Script


"You're back? Niannian, how was school? Was it tiring? Do you want to drink anything? Mommy will get it for you."

Fu Cuihua's voice came from outside, followed by Zhang Nian's annoyed voice, "How tiring can it be? It's just the way it is. The college entrance exams are coming, and I'm annoyed."

Jun Ci opened her eyes from her nap and a ray of light flashed in her eyes.

They were in senior high school at the moment, and they were only three months away from the college entrance examinations.

The ordinary high school that Jun Ci was studying in wasn't so stressful, but Zhang Nian, who wasn't an outstanding student, was studying at the top school.

It was very stressful and she was surrounded by people who were more outstanding than her. She would end up at the bottom of her grade if they didn't pay enough attention to her.

Being under so much pressure, Zhang Nian vented all the unhappiness she brought home from school onto Jun Ci.

"Mommy is done cooking. You're hungry, aren't you? Sit down and eat something first, I'll go get your dad."

"Why are you the one cooking? What is that garbage doing?"

Zhang Nian sounded very displeased. In her eyes, Jun Ci was just garbage.

As she spoke, there were heavy footsteps near Jun Ci's door.

"Don't, Niannian," Fu Cuihua held Zhang Nian back. "He was beaten up by your father last night and just woke up. There seems to be something wrong with his body, let him rest for a while. If something really happens, your father will be in trouble!"

"Tsk," Zhang Nian scoffed in disdain, "Why didn't he beat him to death?"

The footsteps went away.

In the dark, Jun Ci smiled coldly.

'If I was beaten to death, do you think you'll still be able to study in peace?'

She sat up on the bed and withdrew her palm that she had placed in the only corner where there was a little sunlight shining in.

The U-shape symbol on her palm seemed slightly brighter and looked like an ordinary tattoo.

"Gu Lu, how are you feeling?"

"Gu Lu feels much better."

With a little solar energy, it could at least work faster.

"Gu Lu has already found the most suitable novel website for Your Highness. It is the Luo Du literary site. This site has the support of the Chinese Cultural Center. Although it doesn't have a lot of traffic, it works with a number of phone apps and has great development prospects. The most important thing is that the control of copyright is not strict. Perhaps because the site does not have any major IPs, it is more relaxed about this. It is currently the website that is most suited for your development."

Gu Lu's analysis was the most outstanding.

If Jun Ci really planned on going down this path of having a novel with high IP value, then she must have the copyright in her own hands.

Usually, when people write novels, few would consider the IP. Even if they did, it would also depend on whether their novel was worth the price.

But Jun Ci was very confident in herself.

With Gu Lu assisting her, writing a popular IP work wouldn't be a challenge.

But what story should she write?

"If Your Highness writes a sci-fi, it is in line with the characteristics of the Luo Du literary site. It must be a feel-good novel, preferably the kind where a loser becomes successful."

Hearing what Gu Lu said, Jun Ci felt her teeth aching.

A loser becomes successful...

She had been arrogant and stubborn her whole life and was reborn as a loser in the end.

How would she know how a loser feels?

"If Your Highness doesn't mind, you can directly write about your achievements into a novel. But in order to hit the big screen, Your Highness' identity can be of a higher status, like someone who is the son of a general."

Jun Ci immediately understood what Gu Lu meant.

Readers enjoyed reading novels where the loser becomes successful, but it wouldn't work on the big screens.