The First Viewer

The traffic count for this video was 0.

The current number of viewers was 1, and Ding Yang knew he was the only one watching.

It didn't even have a bullet screen.

It looked lonely and exceptionally sad.

However, Ding Yang didn't mind; he cared more about the content of the video.

Also, once he tapped into the video, he was already reluctant to leave.

A depressing piece of music played into his earphones all of a sudden, making him jump.

But when he returned to his senses, that depressing music suddenly turned into a grand and majestic music that made one's hair stand on its ends.

An image appeared along with the music; the shape was like that of a huge warship, and it was moving slowly.

The entire warship didn't appear, but it had taken up the whole screen.

Ding Yang didn't use the full-screen mode, but after seeing this scene, his eyes constricted and he immediately put it on full screen to watch!

Ding Yang was willing to spend, and the computer monitor he had bought had a wide screen, almost 32 inches wide.

This wasn't a small screen, but it couldn't contain the huge perception of the warship.

It hadn't even fully appeared, but it was as if the warship was hiding the sky and covering the earth. It had shaken Ding Yang so much that he felt suffocated.

As to why he could tell it was a warship at first glance was probably due to how real it looked.

It looked so real that when the camera zoomed out, the warship appeared gradually, and Ding Yang could see that it was moving slowly.

It was enormous. Even if it was compressed into a computer monitor, Ding Yang could sense that its size was simply unimaginable.

As the camera moved downwards, an interstellar city appeared under this warship.

The second the city appeared, the music paused for a moment before a more cheerful music resounded.

However, this transition wasn't too sudden.

When the city appeared, a row of captions appeared with only two words.

Director: Emperor

So the producer of this video is called Emperor?

Eh, even the uploader of this video is called Emperor.

What an overbearing name.

This thought flashed through Ding Yang's mind, then he was shocked by a person's face that appeared right after the captions disappeared.

So it's a CG (full special effects) movie?

A CG person is not a real person after all, so he could tell at one glance.


This city's scenery didn't look like CG at all.

On closer look, Ding Yang found that this person's appearance was very natural and didn't feel strange at all.

From the start till the end, everything was done with precision.

This special effect was simply a huge production ah!

Is this a new movie that was released this year?

Ding Yang was stunned and quickly focused as he continued watching.

This video was an hour long.

After Ding Yang finished watching the video, his head felt like it was about to explode.

Where did this movie come from? This was clearly a series!

A CG series.

Ding Yang's head was filled with the word 'damn'.

CG video production was not easy. The cost was very high, and it was generally used to make short videos or game animations.

Just a well-made CG movie would require a large sum of money.

Movies were uncommon, and as for a CG series? There wasn't a single one!

CG technically would be considered under animation, but the size of the audience wasn't as large as real-life films.

The amount of money required for one episode would be relatively the same amount needed for a well-produced TV series, so which company would be so dumb as to do something like this?

However, this "The Glorious History of the Interstellar Empire" had written it very clearly: the first episode.

The storyline was also just like the beginning of a series; it had merely just begun.

After watching the entire video, the standard of the special effects was clearly the standard of a huge movie production ah!

And it was actually only the first episode!

At this moment, Ding Yang noticed that below the video, the UP master had left a simple sentence to summarize this video.

After reading it, Ding Yang felt like his head was about to explode.