One Cold and Aloof, The Other Flashy and Flamboyant

The sofa which Lin Qianyi was seated on had its back facing the door. Besides, Di Yanfeng was completely focused on his brother and didn't notice anyone other than Di Yanmo.

The corners of Lin Qianyi's lips twitched as she watched Di Yanfeng's exaggerated actions. What female creature? Creature? Does he think I am some kind of monkey?

Was this flashy and flamboyant character really the brother of her cold and aloof husband? Perhaps they weren't biological brothers? How could one be so cold and aloof while the other was so flashy and flamboyant?

Di Yanmo shot Di Yanfeng with another cold look. A curt statement came out of his sexy lips. "That creature you just mentioned is your sister-in-law. My wife."

His words were like a bolt of lightning striking Di Yanfeng to near-death.

"Big… brother… what… what did you say?!"

Di Yanfeng turned back to stare at his elder brother with wide eyes. His eyeballs were nearly popping out of their sockets.

Di Yanmo hated repeating himself and just looked at him coldly.

Di Yanfeng shot his brother a grudging look when he realized that Di Yanmo was not going to answer him again. He grumbled. "Even an ice-man like you can get a wife? The heavens are so unfair. I'm such a charming and popular guy, but I can't even get a girlfriend. How did an icy-cold corpse like you get a girl before me!"

Di Yanfeng continued to grumble, totally oblivious to Lin Qianyi's scrutiny. She looked like she was observing a crazy man muttering to himself.

After a bout of complaints, Di Yanfeng quickly turned bright eyes upon her. Checking out the gorgeous girl sitting on the sofa, he couldn't help sighing at his brother's good taste!

Met by Di Yanfeng's overly-eager eyes, Lin Qianyi immediately turned her attention back to the tablet, trying to pretend that she hadn't noticed him at all.

Di Yanfeng wasn't bothered by his sister-in-law's blatant attempt to ignore him. He hustled over with a big grin. "Hello, Sister-in-law. I'm Di Yanfeng, your husband's little brother. What about you? What's your name?"

Di Yanfeng introduced himself before gazing at Lin Qianyi expectantly. He looked just like a big, goofy, loyal dog.

Feeling his intense scrutiny, the corners of Lin Qianyi's lips twitched again. Giving a quick glance at the flamboyant man beside her, she mimicked Di Yanmo's cold manner and answered shortly, "Sister-in-law."

Di Yanfeng was stunned by the cold attitude of his sister-in-law. After a short moment, he recovered and shamelessly moved closer to her.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, when did you know my brother? Why haven't I met you before? Sister-in-law, are you even an adult?"

Di Yanfeng was in full-on gossip mode and barraged her with a ton of questions.

Lin Qianyi's temples throbbed as she gritted her teeth and glared at his incessant chattering.

Goodness! Could he please spare her? Knowing that gossip queen Su Xiaoqing was enough. Now the heavens had sent her another gossip king?!!

Lin Qianyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The moment she laid eyes on this flamboyant guy, she knew that his personality was identical to Xiaoqing's!

They thrived on gossip. The moment they took interest in one matter, they would try all means to dig out everything about it. Their ability to cling on you was as good as superglue. She was totally in awe of them!