So Handsome That My Eyes Are Nearly Pregnant

After the graduation ceremony, the new graduates went out with their respective classes to celebrate. It was nearly 11 pm at night when everything ended.

Although Lin Qianyi didn't really like to drink, she still had a couple of glasses to not be a party-pooper.

Supporting the completely wasted Su Xiaoqing out of the bar, Lin Qianyi was just about to raise her hand to hail a taxi when a familiar car drove over.

Lin Qianyi was shocked at the sight of the car.

Why was this car so much like the one that Fourth Master had driven her to school in?

Inside the car, Di Yanmo frowned slightly upon seeing her.

The car door opened, and his long legs emerged before the rest of his tall, strapping body. Finally, that flawlessly handsome face appeared.

Looking at Di Yanmo's cold, handsome face, Lin Qianyi confirmed what she saw. It was indeed the same car as this morning.

But why was Fourth Master here?

Could he be here to fetch her?

But she didn't tell him that she was celebrating at this bar. She only told him that she would be arriving home a little later tonight.

"Handsome… hic… handsome guy… so… hic… handsome! So handsome that… hic… my eyes… hic… are nearly… hic… pregnant."

Su Xiaoqing, completely limp against Lin Qianyi, instantly perked upon seeing Di Yanmo and slurred flirtatious praises at him.

The corners of Lin Qianyi's lips twitched. She glanced up at Fourth Master's handsome face and felt rather sheepish.

Because… she fully agreed with her best friend's statement!

Her Fourth Master was so handsome, so wonderful. One couldn't compliment him too much!

As Lin Qianyi appreciated her Fourth Master's gorgeousness, he was already standing before her.

"Not heavy?"

Di Yanmo's eyes flashed as he looked at his dazed little wife. He cast a cold glance at the limp Su Xiaoqing.


Lin Qianyi snapped out of her trance upon hearing his question. She didn't understand his meaning.

Following his line of sight, Lin Qianyi finally realized he was referring to the fact that Su Xiaoqing was leaning heavily on her.

"It's fine. Xiaoqing looks a little plump, but she isn't too heavy."

Lin Qianyi giggled.

As she had consumed some alcohol, Lin Qianyi's bright eyes were a little foggy. Her tender and fair face was also flushed red. She looked very charming.

Lin Qianyi didn't know just how alluring she was in Di Yanmo's eyes at this very moment.

His eyes blazed as he continued to look at her. His profound eyes swirled with unknown depths.

So as to not scare his little wife, Di Yanmo quickly averted his eyes and glanced at his driver.

"Send her back home."

"Yes, boss."

The driver had been with Di Yanmo for so long that he naturally knew which "her" he was referring to.

"Madam, I will send your friend home."

The driver walked over to Lin Qianyi and lifted Su Xiaoqing from her shoulders. He then helped Su Xiaoqing into a waiting taxi, and they drove off.

"Uh… does he know where Xiaoqing stays?"

Lin Qianyi blinked as she watched the car disappear into the night. Still dazed, she stared blankly at her Fourth Master.


Di Yanmo slightly smiled as he looked at his dazed little wife. He wrapped one long arm around her waist. "Let's go home."

Lin Qianyi relaxed upon smelling his familiar scent. She obediently boarded the car and sat in the passenger seat.