
The Fallen Part One- A Holy War

Akiva struck violently at the demon in front of him, his golden spear glowing brightly with the power of God as it buried itself into the demon's chest.

He raised his head and sensed the chaotic battlefield, trying to find a more worthy opponent than a mere imp. He felt that he could do more for his Lord.

Before he could engage, his God called for them to assist Him in his battle with the Devil himself.

'I will do anything I can for you, Lord.' Akiva thought with determination. 'Even if it kills me.'

Akiva followed his Lord's call, flapping his burning wings and rapidly closing upon the location of the Enemy.

He aggressively closed in upon his Lord's greatest enemy and began attacking the Enemy from behind.

Although he knew it wouldn't do much, he persistently attacked the spherical forcefield, trying to weaken it.

'No matter the task, I'll give it my all for you, Lord.' Akiva thought as he mindlessly stabbed and slashed with his holy spear.

After attacking the field for an unknown amount of time, Akiva finally got a lucky hit on a weakness in the barrier, nearly shattering it into pieces.

To Akiva, his Lord was perfect. He had no flaws, He made no mistakes, and He was all knowing. His power was perfect and His shield had no flaws.

The Enemy wasn't God, so his shield naturally held flaws. Though The Devil's shield had flaws, they only appeared for infintesimally small periods of time, allowing Akiva to finally get a lucky hit.

The Enemy turned and swept his scythe like he was harvesting wheat, cleanly bisecting the many other Angels that were still attacking him.

Akiva sensed his impending doom and put his all into one final attack in the name of his Lord.

'My God, this is all I can do for You.' He thought as he thrust his spear forward. 'I hope I turned the tide of the battle.'

Akiva's final attack finally shattered the already cracked barrier just as he was cleanly cut in two.

Akiva's consciousness faded as he fell from the sky, the prescence of his Lord gradually fading as he fell down, down, down.

Akiva hardly felt the first impact when he hit the sheer cliff face of a mountain, shattering his horns.

The secondary impact felt fuzzy. He clearly felt any semblance of feeling within his wings scatter as if it was never there.

As he lay there, dying, he wondered at how the colour black could be so beautiful.


Akiva's broken and battered body was soon found by a mortally wounded Satan, who quickly scooped him up and fled into the cracked and twisted pits of space that made his own dimension.

What plans he had for him were unknown, even to Akiva's precious God.


Satan repaired Akiva's body as best he could and thrust him through a pit where even God had no clue where it led.

"I hope you can finally see for yourself what your God truly led you to do." Satan bid the unconscious body of Akiva farewell and focused on repairing his injuries.