
The First To Fall (1)

Ever since I saw the darkness, I have devoted myself to the light.

I wasn't going to let the world fall to madness and sin. I was going to save it.

The angel that Fell is going to be one that will cause the world to tilt irreversibly towards darkness.

I will not let that happen.

I have been blessed by the light, guided by it, created from it.

I will not spurn the light. I will embrace it and bring the world the glory of the light.

The newly Fallen, Lucifer, has turned to the darkness.

I have been tasked with taking their life.

My name is Gabriel.

And I will not fail the benevolent light.


Ever since I saw the light, I sought to destroy it.

Such a wonderful lie had brought so many people in the world together.

Once you are blinded by light, it becomes impossible to see in the darkness.

Once I saw that damnable light, I swore to destroy that beautiful falsehood.

I turned to the darkness so I could destroy the light.

I sought refuge in the comfortable blackness.

I blanketed myself in it like armour.

Armour that I would use for war.

Armour that would protect me from that beautiful lie.

Armour built from an ugly truth.

My name is Azazel.

And I will destroy the light.


Ever since I discovered the truth behind the light, I have feared it, despised it, felt its claws that held me tight.

Only after I saw darkness did I truly realize what I was fighting for.

A world without pain? Yes. A world of light? Yes. However, the light doesn't equate happiness. A lack of pain doesn't mean you are perfect.

Without freedom of the choices between the the light, one cannot see the darkness. Without pain, one cannot feel pleasure. Without choice, one cannot feel accomplishment.

The light I fought for was not a light that would grant everyone immeasurable joy. It was one that would suffocate and chain all who were touched by it.

I would not fight for the lies I had been told. I would not fight for slavery. I would not fight to banish the darkness.

I cast off my light I once considered holy, rather than succumb to the beautiful lies that I had been fed.

I threw myself from the place I thought was heaven, abandoning the false dream I had once held.

I chose to Fall.

I broke my halo, leaving it scattered where I landed, abandoning my last connection to the light.

But I wasn't going to turn to darkness either.

The dark offered me power many times as I suffered in the mortal world. It offered me the power to erase the light that many churches held within them, but I refused. It offered me the power to rule the mortal world, but I rejected it.

I would not walk a path for either of those 'gods'.

I would forge my own.

I don't need the 'grace' of those absolute beings.

I would make my own.

I don't need the 'love' of those absolute beings.

I would help the world make its own.

I don't need happiness or joy.

I don't need madness or depravity.

I need balance.

And I was going to walk that path alone.

My name is Lucifer.

And I will be the balancing force that keeps this world from falling.
